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Ed Brzezowski

naples area
« on: October 12, 2011, 09:44:17 PM »
anyone konw any courses of interest down there? going down in 2 weeks and looking for something different.
thanks  ed
We have a pool and a pond, the pond would be good for you.

Jason Walker

Re: naples area
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2011, 09:47:22 PM »
My two favorites--by a large margin--are Calusa Pines and The Hideout.

The rest are average at best.

Michael George

Re: naples area
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2011, 09:59:29 PM »

Calusa Pines is far and a way the best course in Naples.  A truly unique experience.  It is the best Florida course that I have ever played (I have not played Seminole).  The practice facilities are very nicely placed to the south of the clubhouse, down a meticulously maintained hill and are really well laid out.  The course is nicely routed and diverse.  The course is actually rolling due to an immense amount of dirt that they brought in.  The greens are as good as they come.  They are extremely undulating and all crowned with multiple false fronts, sides and backs, and as challenging as any that I have ever played, including Oakmont, Oakland Hills and Old MacDonald.   

Naples National is good and well worth playing.

I think Old Collier and Olde Florida are the best "less" known courses.  Olde Florida just has the feel of a place that you would like to belong.

"First come my wife and children.  Next comes my profession--the law. Finally, and never as a life in itself, comes golf" - Bob Jones

Ed Brzezowski

Re: naples area
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2011, 10:00:33 PM »
hideout?  does mo Kent still have a piece of that?  thanks
We have a pool and a pond, the pond would be good for you.

Ed Brzezowski

Re: naples area
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2011, 10:01:57 PM »
thanks guys appreciate the help
We have a pool and a pond, the pond would be good for you.

Jason Walker

Re: naples area
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2011, 10:02:19 PM »
not sure who Mo Kent is (sounds right, not sure) but it's a lot of Philly guys.  In fact, the pro is an ex-Overbrook guy from about 10 years ago.

great place.  Unique course.

Ed Brzezowski

Re: naples area
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2011, 10:09:57 PM »
has to be mo and larry kent, got to love their mom, probably an overrbrook crowd. Sprinkle the infield, great guys and good golfers. Appreciate the help. This site has some great guys.
We have a pool and a pond, the pond would be good for you.

Jason Walker

Re: naples area
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2011, 10:10:54 PM »
yep, that's the place.

Patrick Hodgdon

Re: naples area
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2011, 10:12:19 PM »
hideout?  does mo Kent still have a piece of that?  thanks

Yes him and his brother I believe own it.

Naples Area Top 5 for me goes like this:

1. Calusa Pines
2a. The Hideout
2b. Naples National
4. Mediterra South
5. Old Collier (have not played but just about everyone that has puts in the top 5, basically a classic Fazio)

Calusa is far and away the best (a very large number of people say it's the best in FL over Seminole) but both The Hideout and NN are underrated imo. Calusa will be tough to get on without a member helping you out or a well connected head pro. Same for NN and OC. Probably can get on The Hideout or Mediterra though with a phone call at this time of year.

As for public options, the formerly private now semi-private Bonita Bay East has two pretty good Fazio courses for around $100. I haven't played it but a lot of people like the Naples Grande course as well.
Did you know World Woods has the best burger I've ever had in my entire life? I'm planning a trip back just for another one between rounds.

"I would love to be a woman golfer." -JC Jones

Ed Brzezowski

Re: naples area
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2011, 10:22:58 PM »
Played naples national and it was a hand full. Great track, emailed the shop at hideout and hope they will be nice to Phiily guys with no sports to currently to root for, too early for hockey. Thanks men appreciate the help.
We have a pool and a pond, the pond would be good for you.

Patrick Hodgdon

Re: naples area
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2011, 10:44:45 PM »
Played naples national and it was a hand full. Great track, emailed the shop at hideout and hope they will be nice to Phiily guys with no sports to currently to root for, too early for hockey. Thanks men appreciate the help.

Ed hope you get a chance to play it. Here's an old thread that talks a bit about the course and Kelly Blake Moran's (who's a member on the board here) design philosophy:,4925.0.html
Did you know World Woods has the best burger I've ever had in my entire life? I'm planning a trip back just for another one between rounds.

"I would love to be a woman golfer." -JC Jones

Ed Brzezowski

Re: naples area
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2011, 10:51:03 PM »
thanks patrick, i will put the full court press on them tomm,  Maybe they will find a spot for we poor Philly guys. I will keep you posted. looks like a great track.
We have a pool and a pond, the pond would be good for you.

JC Jones

Re: naples area
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2011, 07:32:02 AM »
I'd play The Hideout any day over Calusa Pines.  The Hideout is a place that you immediately want to join because the course is fantastic and the club is great.

I get it, you are mad at the world because you are an adult caddie and few people take you seriously.

Excellent spellers usually lack any vision or common sense.

I know plenty of courses that are in the red, and they are killing it.

Terry Lavin

Re: naples area
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2014, 06:56:37 PM »
I played Hideout today and really enjoyed it. It sits on a very interesting parcel with a lot of lowcountry like vistas and a number of holes that are reminiscent of Georgia.  There is only one forced carry over water (on 18), which is quite a relief from the usual Florida tracks I've played. The greens are nicely varied and relatively flat, but they run them at 12 plus on the Stimpmeter so you won't long for more contour. The maintenance meld is focused on fast and firm all over, which was a real treat. KBM did a terrufic job on this course, which is my new fave in Naples.

We played Old Collier yesterday. It played soft and on the slow side, but the greens are the best Fazio that I've ever played. Played from the forward tees, it is an enjoyable day. From the tips, it looks like a beast.
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.  H.L. Mencken

Matthew Parish

Re: naples area
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2014, 07:15:33 PM »
I posed the same question to a few friends in the know before heading there at the beginning of October last year and got the same consensus which seems to have been reached here.  Calusa and The Hideout.  Of course, when I got down there, Calusa had closed for the Fall and the pro from The Hideout, Stuart Thomas did not get back to me in time.  He did mention that they frowned on unaccompanied guest play, but that they would try to hook me up with a member if I made it back.  Ended up lingering an extra day to go up and play Streamsong.  Streamsong made me forget the lost opportunities.  Did get in an unexpected round at Old Corkscrew, which was less than inspiring. 

Bill Brightly

Re: naples area
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2014, 12:54:41 AM »
Not too far away are the Fazio two "inland" courses associated with Bonita Bay. I think they are fine courses, worth the drive up to play. Decent twilight rates.

Bryan Izatt

Re: naples area
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2014, 03:23:37 AM »
I'm going down to Naples on Friday and am having trouble finding decent public access courses to play.  Usually we have played Bonita East, TwinEagles, Pelican Preserve and Verandah which are private but took some unaccompanied guests, at least last year.  This year they don't seem to be available.  Anybody have any recent success at getting on them as an unaccompanied guest?

The top 5 in the opening posts are all no doubt good courses but do any of them take unaccompanied guests?

Matthew P,

I've never heard anybody call Old Corkscrew uninspiring.  It inspires fear, anger and loathing in many of the inmates around here.  I thought Jason said it best:

Nonetheless with the correct Calvinistic sort of attitude, it is possible to appreciate the punishment it delivers for your errant game.


Re: naples area
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2014, 08:35:53 AM »
I'd play The Hideout any day over Calusa Pines.  The Hideout is a place that you immediately want to join because the course is fantastic and the club is great.

+1 to this (though in fairness I haven't played CP, just really enjoyed Hideout)

Ed Brzezowski

Re: naples area
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2014, 09:09:58 AM »
Old Corkscrew 'uninspiring"?  That is the last word I would use to describe it. Tremendous waste of money, goofy greens and lunch stealing rodents, throw in overpriced beer at the end and I will never go back.

Maybe if you play it a few times you develop a taste for it, but going back in April and it's not on the play list. I thought The Colony was a better course and it is half the price.
We have a pool and a pond, the pond would be good for you.

J_ Crisham

Re: naples area
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2014, 09:31:02 AM »
Old Corkscrew 'uninspiring"?  That is the last word I would use to describe it. Tremendous waste of money, goofy greens and lunch stealing rodents, throw in overpriced beer at the end and I will never go back.

Maybe if you play it a few times you develop a taste for it, but going back in April and it's not on the play list. I thought The Colony was a better course and it is half the price.
+1-     Calusa is in a different league due to superior elevation changes/movement to the property that is just not seen in South Florida. Hideout is pretty strong but there is a reason why Calusa is 165K to join - its undeniably the best course in SW Florida. Old Corkscrew is just a bad design ,period. On the public side Tiburon is a good option.

Terry Lavin

Re: naples area
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2014, 09:50:49 AM »
Hideout has an initiation fee of 15K. Phenomenal value.
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.  H.L. Mencken

J_ Crisham

Re: naples area
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2014, 09:58:44 AM »
Hideout has an initiation fee of 15K. Phenomenal value.
I agree about the bang for your buck at Hideout- as second clubs go it is perfect- very adequate clubhouse, practice area etc. Hideout is the perfect place for a regular guy to join. The golf experience, food, atmosphere is excellent. At some later point in life I hope to call Hideout my Winter club but if I won the lottery it would be Calusa.

JC Jones

Re: naples area
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2014, 10:01:19 AM »
Old Corkscrew 'uninspiring"?  That is the last word I would use to describe it. Tremendous waste of money, goofy greens and lunch stealing rodents, throw in overpriced beer at the end and I will never go back.

Maybe if you play it a few times you develop a taste for it, but going back in April and it's not on the play list. I thought The Colony was a better course and it is half the price.
+1-     Calusa is in a different league due to superior elevation changes/movement to the property that is just not seen in South Florida. Hideout is pretty strong but there is a reason why Calusa is 165K to join - its undeniably the best course in SW Florida. Old Corkscrew is just a bad design ,period. On the public side Tiburon is a good option.

The elevation changes and land movement are fake.  You dont see that anywhere else because it doesnt exist in a drained swamp.  

I think the golf course at Hideout is better than Calusa.  It is more strategic and thought provoking, not to mention, more fun.  If I ever lived in Naples again I'd be content as can be to have the privilege to play Hideout on a regular basis.

I get it, you are mad at the world because you are an adult caddie and few people take you seriously.

Excellent spellers usually lack any vision or common sense.

I know plenty of courses that are in the red, and they are killing it.

JC Jones

Re: naples area
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2014, 10:04:43 AM »
Hideout has an initiation fee of 15K. Phenomenal value.
I agree about the bang for your buck at Hideout- as second clubs go it is perfect- very adequate clubhouse, practice area etc. Hideout is the perfect place for a regular guy to join. The golf experience, food, atmosphere is excellent. At some later point in life I hope to call Hideout my Winter club but if I won the lottery it would be Calusa.

When you go to join Hideout be sure to put that last line on your membership application :)
I get it, you are mad at the world because you are an adult caddie and few people take you seriously.

Excellent spellers usually lack any vision or common sense.

I know plenty of courses that are in the red, and they are killing it.

Terry Lavin

Re: naples area
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2014, 10:08:07 AM »
Calusa is like Shadow Creek and Whistling Straits: pretty much all fake, but really good. Kelly Blake Moran's work is much more minimalist and the course is a lot of fun to play and Calusa is a lot more difficult. Both are great but one is ten times more expensive to join. I know what my plan would be!
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 10:20:11 AM by Terry Lavin »
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.  H.L. Mencken
