Thank you for those. I've seen them. St. Andrew's caddie program has slipped as well, if you want the truth. I know quite a few of the veterans and they confirm it. Now the top-shelf lads are still very solid, but the depth of quality is nothing like it was, even just ten years ago. I'll not recount the numerous horror stories I've heard, though several are total, side-splitting howlers. Just know that even at the cradle...there's room for improvement.
"The quality of your caddie staff should reflect the caliber of your membership or golfing clientele."
You'll never see that one stated ANYWHERE, but it is dead on as to what ANY quality golf operation, with the ground deserving of a superior caddie program, should strive for. Reflect on that and Mr. Doak's take in my response window. Old Tom would concur; after all, his life was living proof of Mr. Doak's quote! There are many others as well.