In my experience...very very few.
They mostly just want the usual things that have been hashed over time and time again:
Casual round on a nearby course.
Good beverage cart service on hot days.
Green fairways and greens.
Pretty ponds.
Something that's affordable and doesn't cost too much.
A course marshall to prevent 5+ hour rounds.
Bunkers that are raked.
Even driving only an hour away to play something far more interesting is almost never an attractive lure when the local muni is only 10 minutes away.
When you think about it, its really not out of the norm for basic human behavoir. How many would go back to the club house and not think twice about having a bud light after a round at your favorite epic course? Yet in beer terms, Bud light is a Doak 1, and even I wouldn't drink it, even if it was free.
So for just about anything in life, there are geeks who have websites who discuss/compare/contrast their "passion" and only appreciate the best of the best and can't figure out why everyone else doesn't know any better.
Well karma is a bitch and just know there are just as many if not more beer snobs out there who mock you and wonder why they hell you drink Miller, Bud Light, Coors, etc, etc.