How could anybody think a cart path down entire the right side of 1, 3, 10 or 11 or down the right side of 18 is a good idea? Those will only kick balls further into trouble or OB and slow down play, not to mention piss off golfers when shots that shouldn't have gone OB go OB.
Overall it seems that a major directive from the park district / members / staff is that they would like a full cart path system. Of course, considering how tight the property is, they literally have to move holes in order to do so. I think there are a few promising features that the GCA is trying to add to the course, but overall he seems to be tailoring the course to this new path system. I'm assuming they're doing this because they think 1) they'll generate cart revenue even when it's wet out there vs. opening as walking-only, 2) they think it'll improve the turf quality, and 3) they will be able to get more players around faster.
Which goes back to the main problem with the WPD running the's not a golf course to them, it's a park feature, no different than a pool or baseball field. Their idea of a successful year is getting 40k+ rounds...not maximizing income or even enhancing the playing field for golfers.
Is #2 really going to go over trees? Just cut 'em down, already...
Yeah, this GCA seems to be doing a lot of "shifting" tees. I would say cut the trees down as well, but the problem Wilmette runs into is (and this is the excuse I've heard) that the insurance companies will raise their premiums too high because that tee (and others) would be more exposed to incoming shots from nearby holes, a byproduct of a tight property.
The bunkers in front of #3 look extremely penal to the seniors and beginners that will be lucky to trickle an approach into the first bunker, then flub it into the second, then flub it into the third, and then maybe get it on the green with their 4th try - assuming of course they don't blade the first try over the green out of fear of the 2nd an 3rd bunkers... 
I give the guy credit for trying to build a somewhat interesting green complex on the 3rd hole. That green actually has a fair amount of movement in it already but there isn't a whole lot of interest around the green. I at least like how he's planning on shifting the tees to the right to make the tee shot less awkward. Right now it's plain goofy with the shallow bunker and range fence on the right, and thick overhanging trees short left.
Get ready for that bunker on #6 to cause more people to miss into the gunk right and waste time looking for balls.
I wish they would just take that bunker out on the left of 6, and expand the fairway. But of course that would mean more players hitting toward #5 and #8 greens? I do like the idea of taking out the willows at the corner and expanding the green back...but that would have to create even more airflow problems with the green sitting further in a forest, no? (And they can't cut anything down back there).
I like the fairway chipping area short/right of #11 for the guys who can't get there in two easily.
I like what the GCA is planning to do with #11. There is a ton of room back there for a new tee and it would make it a strong par-4. It looks like he wants to cut into the bushes (hose housing) behind the current green for the new greensite. I like the new bunker at the corner, but I wish they would cut the trees down on the right, even if it showcases the scrapyard next door.
The little pot bunker short and right of the new kidney green on #13 green has possibilities.
I actually like the current green and site, as it's clearly been untampered with over the years, and is tricky with the drop off long and the OB right of the green. I can't imagine how much "pot" that bunker will be.
However, the biggest problem with this plan is not what's in it, but rather, what's not. The biggest problem at WGC is the fact that they can't grow grass! The fairways are horrible (they don't even resemble fairways - they look more like sickly bulegrass rough cut down to 1/2 inch) due to all the clay. If they're not doing something to improve the turf, this is just lipstick on a pig.
No, they can't grow grass. But I think that's due to the extreme amount of play it gets 12+ hours out of the day, the terrible soil, and all of the huge mature trees sucking up all the moisture and airflow from the grass. AND, that's with a $700k+ budget!