Hole #8 - Par 5
Back - 513; Middle and Front - 507
The eighth hole plays from an elevated tee box to a generous fairway, about 60 yards wide at its widest point, though it narrows as one reaches the scrub area that bisects the landing area from the lay up area about 265 yards from the tee. While the fairway itself is wide, the hole doglegs to the left from this point in, and trees set close to the left edge of the layup area effectively narrow the tee shot landing area to about 30-35 yards up the right hand side.
A good drive should leave a layup of just under 200 yards, and the shot should definitely be played up the right hand side for the best angle to the green. A large tree hugs the left side of the fairway on the approach, and the overhang is just high enough to catch shots played with a short iron. In our second round, I was forced to hit a five iron to the green from about 135 yards out to keep it below the overhanging branches, and unfortunately drilled it into the back bunker. Had I been on the right side of the fairway, the shot would have been clear.
The green is elevated from the fairway, but sits just below the crest of the hill that fronts the entry. None of the surface of the green is visible from the approach area. The green itself is small and oval shaped, about 20 yards wide and 15 yards deep. It's protected by sand left, right and behind. The approach corridor is also protected by bunkers left and right, so a shot hit short to either side presents a tough recovery.
As was discussed in a different thread, there may be an alternate line of play here if one decides to take aim at the fifth fairway, which runs parallel to the left of the eighth fairway. Doing so cuts off the dogleg a shot early and leaves a straightforward approach to the green. However, that approach would be played over the fifth tee area, and the player will still have to contend with the hill and a narrow opening through the trees, with very little margin for error. A long hitter who can bust it 290 off the tee will be left with about 225-230 to the green from this angle. I'm unaware of any local rules against this play, but nobody in my group attempted it.
View from the tee. The alternate route up the fifth fairway would be to the left.

Another shot of the alternate route. The green sits behind the small forest of trees on the right edge of the photograph.

View of the layup shot.

A look back at the tee from the same spot.

A view of the green from about 100 yards or so out.

Closer view of the green.