It's a pretty demanding walk, and one of the quandries is that it's something like 8 miles (at least that's what the NBC guys said) from #1 tee to #18 green from the back tees, yet the walks from greens to "up" tees is even longer in some cases. A lot of up and down, and a lot of longish walks between greens and tees.
50-yard walkback from 1 green to 2 back tee (which is still only @ 350 yds; it's obviously a shorter walk to the up tees, but that's a hole that alot of folks would want to play from the back tee).
Short walk from 2 green to 3 tee, but it's straight uphill, roughly two stories.
Long, strange, not-intuitive walk from 4 green to 5 tee, and about a three-story climb if playing the back tee on 5. Be careful, or you might end up playing 17 instead of 5 after 4.
Another longish walk between 7 green and 8 tee, around 18 teeing grounds.
Decent walk between 9 green and 10 tee.
Very long walk from 10 green to tips at 11, less so if playing the 410 yds tees.
Short but uphill climb from 12 green to 13 tee.
Very short walk from 13 green to the very back tee at 14, but a bit of a hike if playing 14 at, say, 500 yds.
Another abrupt climb to 15 tee, although you've already made half the journey up the hill if you putted out on 14.
Another longish walk from 16 green to anything but the back tee at 17.
18 green is at least 75 yds from the clubhouse.
EHills is a course with a lot of up and down journeying in between holes (lots of elevated tees), and amongst the holes themselves -- 7, 8, 10, 12 (esp.), and 15 all have some pretty severe terrain that they cover. And that's just the severe stuff; there is little that is flat there.
But don't let any of that dissuade you from playing it.

In its current conditions, it's a wonderful course.