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Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2011, 12:21:09 AM »
good friend of mine was in Florida years ago struggling with his sand game. an older gentleman came by the practice bunker and started giving unasked for advice and my friend tells him look,I can work this out myself.Back in the shop the pro says,I saw you struggling and asked Mr Sarazan to go out and help.Was he able to get you fixed?


Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #26 on: August 16, 2011, 02:02:02 AM »
When she was first learning to play,my aunt asked me how to hit a bunker shot.The next morning,playing with 3 other beginners,she holes her first bunker shot.

There are 4 people on Earth who think that I'm the greatest sand-play teacher alive.

I bet you taught her it's about concision and timing.  Nice story :)
2025 Craws Nest Tassie, Carnoustie.

Wayne Freeman

Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #27 on: August 16, 2011, 02:04:10 AM »
I was at the Greenbrier for a meeting and set up a tee time in the early afternoon.  I went down to the range to warm
up and hit some balls.  As I approach the practice tee area there is only 1 guy on the range.  I get a little closer, and no..
it can't be... it's Sam Snead!.   I get to within about 15 feet of him and just sit down.  He's hitting driver after driver, one
pure shot after another, not too far, but with the most beautiful tempo imaginable.  I just sit there, mesmerized.  Finally I
can't help myself.  I go up to him and introduce myself.  He is real nice to me and lets me take a picture with him. I hit some
balls, just trying to visualize and duplicate his tempo... I go out and proceed to shoot the easiest 1 under round of my life...
and of course was never able to do it again!

      BTW,  this was 6 months before Snead died, he was 89, and legally blind from macular degeneration.   Amazing.


Michael Wharton-Palmer

Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #28 on: August 16, 2011, 10:30:55 AM »
The first time I went to see Gavin Christie, back in the mid eighties....he watched me hit a few balls, and said...didnt you play for England Schoolboys last year?
yes I you must be a great putter ???

Tom ORourke

Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #29 on: August 16, 2011, 11:05:41 AM »
Worst - back in the late 60s I took a lesson from a fairly well known guy who told me that I needed to change from an interlocking grip to overlapping, even though I have small hands. He claimed that there were no good players ever that used that grip. After a summer of flares to short right field I saw that Nicklaus used interlocking. I went back and my game came back. After that I saw guys like Kite using it, and now Tiger.
Best - an unheralded pro in New Jersey named Paul Midiri. He would always end up spending more time with me than I had booked and would charge me less. I would go to him hitting it sideways and he would have me hitting it great in 10 minutes. I would ask him what I had been doing wrong. He would refuse to tell me to make sure I did not think about NOT doing something. He preached "don't think don't." Words to live by, not just play by. A scratch or a 36 handicap got the same effort from him. 

cary lichtenstein

Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2011, 11:45:26 AM »
I was at the Greenbrier for a meeting and set up a tee time in the early afternoon.  I went down to the range to warm
up and hit some balls.  As I approach the practice tee area there is only 1 guy on the range.  I get a little closer, and no..
it can't be... it's Sam Snead!.   I get to within about 15 feet of him and just sit down.  He's hitting driver after driver, one
pure shot after another, not too far, but with the most beautiful tempo imaginable.  I just sit there, mesmerized.  Finally I
can't help myself.  I go up to him and introduce myself.  He is real nice to me and lets me take a picture with him. I hit some
balls, just trying to visualize and duplicate his tempo... I go out and proceed to shoot the easiest 1 under round of my life...
and of course was never able to do it again!

      BTW,  this was 6 months before Snead died, he was 89, and legally blind from macular degeneration.   Amazing.


I was at the Greenbriar and Sam Snead drove up and asked if he could play a few holes with me and my wife. He gave us a few pointers and left after 3 holes. When we checked out, we learnt that Sam Snead had charged us $300 for a playing lesson. Lesson learnt ;D
Live Jupiter, Fl, was  4 handicap, played top 100 US, top 75 World. Great memories, no longer play, 4 back surgeries. I don't miss a lot of things about golf, life is simpler with out it. I miss my 60 degree wedge shots, don't miss nasty weather, icing, back spasms. Last course I played was Augusta


Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2011, 01:35:57 PM »
I was at the Greenbriar and Sam Snead drove up and asked if he could play a few holes with me and my wife. He gave us a few pointers and left after 3 holes. When we checked out, we learnt that Sam Snead had charged us $300 for a playing lesson. Lesson learnt ;D

Holy cow, that's unconscionable.  I don't care who you are.

Greg Tallman

Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2011, 06:35:41 PM »
I was at the Greenbriar and Sam Snead drove up and asked if he could play a few holes with me and my wife. He gave us a few pointers and left after 3 holes. When we checked out, we learnt that Sam Snead had charged us $300 for a playing lesson. Lesson learnt ;D

Holy cow, that's unconscionable.  I don't care who you are.

And undoubtedly true. Not long before he passed he was doing a "Beat the Pro" on the 17th hole of The Greenbrier course. Guests came in complaining that he cheated them. Buddy of mine goes to investigate and finds Snead hitting until he gets it close and then recording nobody had beaten the pro... The resort laughed it off and gave everyone double the credit in the shop regardless.

Will Lozier

Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #33 on: August 16, 2011, 09:05:45 PM »
When I was working as an assistant at Carmel Valley Ranch - I know ??? - I was giving a playing lesson to a young lady of about 60 years who hit the ball quite well even for a woman half her age.  We played the back nine which is, if nothing else, fun with it's elevation changes.  On the 11th, from a forward tee that was still 30 feet above the fairway, she hit her 5 wood high on the clubface and on the toe such that the ball went straight up and right and landed softly on a second floor porch of one of the condos on the right.  My first thought was that nobody on tour could do that in 25 cracks at it with a wedge.  On her second ball...the exact same result!  We both thought it the damndest thing and couldn't stop laughing the rest of the hole.  We got her back on track and it was one of the most pleasant lessons I've ever taught.


Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #34 on: August 16, 2011, 09:11:13 PM »
Worst golf lesson I ever saw from the pros POV was years ago at Kemper Lakes when I was hitting some range balls next to an assistant giving a lesson.  He has the guy take the club back, and then steps in to postion him.  He says something about "when you swing XXX" but all the guy hears is "swing forward" which he does, hitting the pro in the ankle and breaking it.
Jeff Brauer, ASGCA Director of Outreach

Mark Saltzman

Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #35 on: August 16, 2011, 09:57:26 PM »
I have a friend who used to take lessons from the guy who is currently coaching a certain ex world no 1 with some knee issues. He started take lessons from him before the guy had many pro students, but at this time was just starting to become known. Since my friend is a nobody 2 index it is becoming increasingly difficult to get a lesson scheduled. After calling a few times in May, he is given a lesson time in late June.

So my buddy has been struggling hitting a bit of a cut with his driver but his wedge game has been great all year. He really wants to work on driver/long iron stuff.

While warming up, for whatever reason, he shanks a couple of wedges, which the pro sees. He says, "alright I see why you're shanking it, let's get to work on it."

Even though my buddy kept saying he never shanks it and that was not what he wanted to work on, all they did was work on not shanking wedges.

Waste of time and money and last lesson with this soon to be celeb pro.


Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2011, 10:38:56 PM »
I am among the world's worst students for a golfer who took up the game at the end of my baseball "career" after high school and becoming reasonably good at it in a few short years.

The most unusual lessons I had were from Jack Grout around the time he was accredited for helping Ray Floyd.  I spent close to $100 on each of two 45 minute lessons at Muirfield Village.  That was a lot of money in the mid-70s, particularly for a self-supporting college student.

Among the first questions he asked during our first meeting was "what does your father do for a living?".   That caught me by surprise and I am sure he felt awkward when I responded that he had been dead for over 20 years.  We worked on the usual things he was known for- admonishing me for "swinging like a woman" and imploring me to turn my upper body and feel like my hands are reaching for the sky.  He was big on restricting the hips going back and initiating the downswing with the lower body.  Anyways, I practiced what he taught me and made some improvement for a couple of weeks before reverting to my old self.

I went back to see Mr. Grout about a month later and he watched me hit a few balls as he did the first time.  This time, however, he cautions me against overswinging with my upper body, noting that I was a strong young man and didn't need to make such a big effort to hit the ball far.  I asked Mr. Grout if he remembered me from our prior meeting and though he responded in the affirmative, I had my doubts.  He commented that he knew I really loved the game and encouraged me to keep working and to see him again.  Like before, I practiced what he told me, got better for awhile before, again, reverting to my previous self.  I didn't return.

I've taken lessons from some 10-15 teachers in my 40 years with the game, most of them very qualified, and all of them interested in teaching me how to play better.  The best two, J. R. Abels and Bobby Morris (deceased) worked with what I had to make me more consistent.

The two least successful are well-known in their world and tried to make large changes in my swing to make it consistent with their method.  Both used drills and training devices to get the club in certain places.  I have not recovered from trying to make the changes they proposed.

The funniest lesson I've seen was when I was being taped by one of Hank Haney's guys and Hank was with a student in another video stall telling the poor man that his swing was in so many different planes that he didn't know which one to look at.  Pete and I nearly lost it.

The saddest has been at a local club over this year where an extremely nice, young, hard-working Korean girl is being closely tutored by her overbearing father.  He regularly yells at her, goes into rages when she makes a mistake (I've seen him pick up and slam a golf bag into the ground, toss a folding chair, break a yardstick).  One of the range boys says that he's watched him stand behing her, smacking her with one of those alignment sticks after she misses a shot.  Why the club tolerates his behavior might be due to an attempt at cultural tolerance, but I find the whole thing so distasteful that I will typically set up at the opposite end of the range when they're there.  I hope she can overcome the abuse and achieve the excellence she is striving for.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 10:43:23 PM by Lou_Duran »


Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #37 on: August 17, 2011, 02:20:28 AM »
 I hope she can overcome the abuse and achieve the excellence she is striving for.

Why, so she can validate that dad's method is the right way to raise a daughter?

Matt Day

Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #38 on: August 17, 2011, 04:49:15 AM »
I caddied for Pat Burke in 1987....reinforced the drive for show, putt for dough lesson  :D

Beautiful ball striking, not so good putting...


Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #39 on: August 17, 2011, 11:20:34 AM »
 I hope she can overcome the abuse and achieve the excellence she is striving for.

Why, so she can validate that dad's method is the right way to raise a daughter?

Of course not.  When her father is not around, she approaches me occasionally to ask something, and though she is only 13, she is mature well beyond her years (and I raised a daughter so I know).  We've talked about her most impressive work ethic- I've seen her there before I went out to play and she was still there after I left in the middle of the Texas summer- and her game (she was particularly pleased that she had recently reached the par 5 18th hole playing at around 500 yards in two).  She practices way too much relative to how little she plays in my opinion, but she says she enjoys hitting balls and is confident in her track.  Though I didn't broach the subject of her father, she says that he is her teacher though his instruction is supplemented by a professional, and that she thinks the close attention (and pressure) is good for her.

So, to answer your question, I admire this young lady and root for her success DESPITE her boorish father.  Maybe it is a cultural thing and it is me that has the problem.  I really don't know much about the physicality of adolescent girls and whether her intensive training to support a large Michelle Wie-type swing will have a negative impact as she gets older, but if her psyche is right as it appears to be, she has tremendous upside.   

Gary Slatter

Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #40 on: August 17, 2011, 06:38:19 PM »
Many years ago a friend of mine from LA was staying with us in Toronto while he played the Canadian Tour. (Eric Evans was his name).  Anyway Eric was having troubles, and had driven a few hours back to my club..  I said we'd go see George Knudson for a "third" opinion.  George stood behind Eric for at least an hour, just asking him to aim for various targets using an assortment of clubs.  At the end of the hour, George asked me
"Slatts, why did you bring him to me? He swings and hits it so good, I'm jealous."   
The next day Eric shot 65 at a course in Windsor and lead the Ontario Open.
Gary Slatter


Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #41 on: August 18, 2011, 12:10:49 PM »
Two lessons - one significant and one funny.
David Graham was a 15 year old assistant pro at Riversdale in Melbourne. His boss was an old pro - and a very good player called George Naismith. Peter Thomson had been his assistant as well right at the beginning of his career.
He took David down to the range and had him hit a few balls. He was a two handicap but a left hander. George immediately turned him around and told him to play right handed.

Peter Fowler once asked Peter Thomson what he thought of his game and how he could improve it.
Peter thought for a bit and said 'just shoot lower scores Peter'


Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #42 on: August 18, 2011, 12:14:27 PM »
Two lessons - one significant and one funny.
David Graham was a 15 year old assistant pro at Riversdale in Melbourne. His boss was an old pro - and a very good player called George Naismith. Peter Thomson had been his assistant as well right at the beginning of his career.
He took David down to the range and had him hit a few balls. He was a two handicap but a left hander. George immediately turned him around and told him to play right handed.

Peter Fowler once asked Peter Thomson what he thought of his game and how he could improve it.
Peter thought for a bit and said 'just shoot lower scores Peter'

David Graham played left handed until he was 15?That's amazing.

I thought a left hander in Oz was called a mollydooker.

Garland Bayley

Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #43 on: August 18, 2011, 01:16:47 PM »
 I hope she can overcome the abuse and achieve the excellence she is striving for.

Why, so she can validate that dad's method is the right way to raise a daughter?

Of course not.  When her father is not around, she approaches me occasionally to ask something, and though she is only 13, she is mature well beyond her years (and I raised a daughter so I know).  We've talked about her most impressive work ethic- I've seen her there before I went out to play and she was still there after I left in the middle of the Texas summer- and her game (she was particularly pleased that she had recently reached the par 5 18th hole playing at around 500 yards in two).  She practices way too much relative to how little she plays in my opinion, but she says she enjoys hitting balls and is confident in her track.  Though I didn't broach the subject of her father, she says that he is her teacher though his instruction is supplemented by a professional, and that she thinks the close attention (and pressure) is good for her.

So, to answer your question, I admire this young lady and root for her success DESPITE her boorish father.  Maybe it is a cultural thing and it is me that has the problem.  I really don't know much about the physicality of adolescent girls and whether her intensive training to support a large Michelle Wie-type swing will have a negative impact as she gets older, but if her psyche is right as it appears to be, she has tremendous upside.   

"I enjoy a course where the challenges are contained WITHIN it, and recovery is part of the game  not a course where the challenge is to stay ON it." Jeff Warne


Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #44 on: August 18, 2011, 01:45:31 PM »
 I hope she can overcome the abuse and achieve the excellence she is striving for.

Why, so she can validate that dad's method is the right way to raise a daughter?

Of course not.  When her father is not around, she approaches me occasionally to ask something, and though she is only 13, she is mature well beyond her years (and I raised a daughter so I know).  We've talked about her most impressive work ethic- I've seen her there before I went out to play and she was still there after I left in the middle of the Texas summer- and her game (she was particularly pleased that she had recently reached the par 5 18th hole playing at around 500 yards in two).  She practices way too much relative to how little she plays in my opinion, but she says she enjoys hitting balls and is confident in her track.  Though I didn't broach the subject of her father, she says that he is her teacher though his instruction is supplemented by a professional, and that she thinks the close attention (and pressure) is good for her.

So, to answer your question, I admire this young lady and root for her success DESPITE her boorish father.  Maybe it is a cultural thing and it is me that has the problem.  I really don't know much about the physicality of adolescent girls and whether her intensive training to support a large Michelle Wie-type swing will have a negative impact as she gets older, but if her psyche is right as it appears to be, she has tremendous upside.   


Rick Shefchik

Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #45 on: August 18, 2011, 02:26:45 PM »
I was at the Greenbriar and Sam Snead drove up and asked if he could play a few holes with me and my wife. He gave us a few pointers and left after 3 holes. When we checked out, we learnt that Sam Snead had charged us $300 for a playing lesson. Lesson learnt ;D

Holy cow, that's unconscionable.  I don't care who you are.

And undoubtedly true. Not long before he passed he was doing a "Beat the Pro" on the 17th hole of The Greenbrier course. Guests came in complaining that he cheated them. Buddy of mine goes to investigate and finds Snead hitting until he gets it close and then recording nobody had beaten the pro... The resort laughed it off and gave everyone double the credit in the shop regardless.

Snead was a money-grubber his entire life. I came across two typical stories about him while researching my book on Minnesota golf clubs. He played a Sunday exhibition at Woodhill C.C. for an agreed-upon $500, but insisted on being paid before teeing off. The club offered him a check, but Snead refused to even get out of the car until he was handed $500 in cash. They didn't have that much cash at the club, so somebody had to roust the guy who'd been the big winner at the previous night's poker game. He brought the cash over to the club, they paid Snead and he proceeded with his exhibition.

Snead also participated in the grand opening match at North Oaks G.C. in 1951, along with Jimmy Demaret. The newspaper account of the post-match scene in the clubhouse said that Demaret played the piano while Snead asked for his winnings in hundred dollar bills. Somewhere in the hills of West Virginia I'm guessing there's a buried coffee can...

« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 12:58:58 AM by Rick Shefchik »
"Golf is 20 percent mechanics and technique. The other 80 percent is philosophy, humor, tragedy, romance, melodrama, companionship, camaraderie, cussedness and conversation." - Grantland Rice

Garland Bayley

Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #46 on: August 18, 2011, 02:30:58 PM »

Those are not stories illustrating money-grubbing as I understand it.
"I enjoy a course where the challenges are contained WITHIN it, and recovery is part of the game  not a course where the challenge is to stay ON it." Jeff Warne


Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #47 on: August 18, 2011, 02:40:10 PM »
Jerry Lee Lewis and Chuck Berry wouldn't take the stage either without seeing the green.  And they too were good enough to get away with it....
Golf is a game. We play it. Somewhere along the way we took the fun out of it and charged a premium to be punished.- - Ron Sirak


Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #48 on: August 18, 2011, 02:47:44 PM »

Jerry Lee Lewis and Chuck Berry wouldn't take the stage either without seeing the green.  And they too were good enough to get away with it....

Jerry Lee's love of folding money was probably due to IRS liens on everything with his name on it.

Ted Cahill

Re: Tell Us About the Best Golf Lessons Story You Have....
« Reply #49 on: August 18, 2011, 02:56:06 PM »
When I was working as an assistant at Carmel Valley Ranch - I know ??? - I was giving a playing lesson to a young lady of about 60 years who hit the ball quite well even for a woman half her age.  We played the back nine which is, if nothing else, fun with it's elevation changes.  On the 11th, from a forward tee that was still 30 feet above the fairway, she hit her 5 wood high on the clubface and on the toe such that the ball went straight up and right and landed softly on a second floor porch of one of the condos on the right.  My first thought was that nobody on tour could do that in 25 cracks at it with a wedge.  On her second ball...the exact same result!  We both thought it the damndest thing and couldn't stop laughing the rest of the hole.  We got her back on track and it was one of the most pleasant lessons I've ever taught.

Will- did you get to work with Ben Doyle?  I feel fortunate to have had a chance to take lessons from him, even if I've struggled to implement.
“Bandon Dunes is like Chamonix for skiers or the
North Shore of Oahu for surfers,” Rogers said. “It is
where those who really care end up.”
