Eric Smith,
The exact same thing has happened to Pine Tree.
There seems to be an ebb and flow in rater's tastes.
That was Tom Watson, not Ben Crenshaw.
I know that in the winter of 2003/2004 Bill Salinetti removed all of the interior trees.
I was not aware of a massive tree removal program undertaken by Karl Olsen.
In what year/s did that take place ?
Raters are.............. raters.
Typically, they don't go to unknown/unrated courses in numbers.
Hence it would seem that unrated courses would stay that way, while rated courses would either have their rating reinforced or vascilate a bit over the years.
Additionally, fads can influence a rater's perspective.
There was a time, and it may still exist, when difficulty equated to architectural quality.
Longer, tougher courses seemed to be highly rated, whereas, shorter, sporty courses were no longer in vogue.
In order to assess WHY, you'd probably have to examine each rater's ballot to see if there was a theme.
And, perhaps, NGLA wasn't rated because the minimum number of ratings required, couldn't be obtained due to access issues.