For me I think the answer would depend on a lot of factors. I can see how people who have kids and other activities would limit their golf to really good courses. They have other, often more important things to do than spend five hours on a course that's less than stellar. As for me, I'm mid-30s, single, no-kids, so I'll pretty much play anytime, anywhere if I'm not at work, or if I can get the day or afternoon off. My other passion/hobby is going to concerts (I'll see a lot more bands than golf courses this year), and those are mostly all at night, save for the different festivals here and there, so the two don't interfere.
My general philosophy is that I'll play anywhere once. If I don't like a course, I may go back depending on the group of people playing. I'm not a member at any club, so I prefer having a game set up, even at a less than ideal course, over trying to walk on somewhere as a single. We're fortunate to have a lot of "good enough" public courses in Chicago such that it's pretty rare to get stuck at a course you don't like.
But I absolutely will not go back to Coyote Run.