> Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group

Whistling Straits Fescue Fairways

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If I'm not mistaken, the fairways and greens at the Warren Course at Notre Dame were supposed to be Fescue.   C and C had the same ideas, but the turf couldn't withstand the traffic.  

The turf at Warren Course was originally Fescue, but the powers that be had difficulty establishing it, so bent was used.

Matt Schulte:
It will be very interesting to see what happens between now and 2004 for the PGA Championship.  It is impossible to precisely control distances off fairways of that length.  I can only image the players responses if they left them that length.  

I agree, unfortunately, the (American) golfing public appreciates the  color of the turf more than they do how it actually plays, which truly is a shame.  

While we are on the subject of Whistling Straits, can anyone explain to me how hole #5 fits in with the rest of the design?  For a moment I thought I was at Sawgrass!

My understanding, I could be wrong, is that in that area of the property there was some wetland issues and trading off between the county, the corps, and state resulting in mitigation and a restricted corridor in which they could work.  While #5 doesn't fit the rest of the design, it very well may play difficult from extreme back tees that I never heard anyone has used.  

Also, does anyone know if they have ruled out the idea of a composite course.  I feel a bit stupid for even asking because for starters, the turf is bent FWs on the Irish course and fescue FWs on the Straits.  I doubt if that has ever been done before for obvious good reason...


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