Posted by: Ally Mcintosh
Insert QuoteDeleted... Decided there was no point causing argument...
Posted on: Yesterday at 21:46:00Posted by: Mark Pearce
Insert Quote
Quote from: David_Elvins on Yesterday at 16:40:12you only have to look at the way that mediocre and bad architecture is too often accepted, excused, and politely ignored by the British posters on this site
If you want to start a fight you should give us some of your reasons for a statement like this (some examples, for instance) so that we can get into the argument. Otherwise you just come across like just another bitter Aussie .
leaving that to Mark, Ally?
Mark not sure if you will need a lot of tar or just little tar for all us 'bitter Aussies' - funny it is usually the Pom's that come out with that kind of talk.
PS: No matter what - I cannot get the quoting thing working properly on my set up.