I was more looking to hear about other people’s perspectives to see how they compare to mine. I also only see the first question you asked pertaining to the questions I asked but I have always thought your posts and analysis are interesting and often accurate so I’ll bite.
I want a course that allows me to forget about my day to day tasks, feels like I’m in a natural scenic setting, allows a good walk, provides an opportunity to score but also potentially imposes some high scores if I don’t execute a shot, and it should provide some difficult decisions on how to play a variety of shots.
Not sure I can compare what I want from my wife to what I want from a golf course other than I like a chance to score with both, I want my wife to challenge me at times and I want my wife forgiving when I mess up but with my wife I know what is OB and will avoid it. What I want and have most from my wife is someone I enjoy and just want to be with…not sure how to go into details of what that means. From my car I want it to be reliable, affordable and get me where I need to go without much concern (we have a Saturn and a Jeep). My shoes I want to be comfortable first, functional second and then I want them to go with the clothes I wear.