Askernish …. It’s a dream
Let’s stop and think, let’s try and learn something here. Be it romantic or a dream, the point is that these guys on South Uist with a little professional help achieved a blood interesting course.
If that course was on the mainland coast, I feel that the designers and architects the world over would have to take it very seriously and certainly Look & Learn.
Could it be that you do not want to learn, that you want this out of way course to fail as it did not need a fortune spent on it. Could it be that land fit for purpose will reduce costs. Have you become stuck in your ways
Who is dreaming, how many have even matched designs like Machrie or for that matter Brora, no its not a dream, its reality. If golfers want a course it is possible, however there may be no money in the project to satisfy a designer or architect or make him consider even looking at it.
It’s no dream it’s a normal Scottish golfing club with its members coming together to produce the traditional Scottish golf course for its members and yes they would like additional revenue to make further improvements, just like the history of our club scene.
You should be ashamed to consider such a thing, let alone put it in writing. The members of Askernish Golf Club have a rather formidable golf course which should be praised and not to dismissed a romantic or a dream. Its there, its open and many who have played it have expressed great pleasure from their rounds. Or is it a figment of their imagination.
Adrian go and check it out for yourself, I’m certain Ralph would be only too pleased to show you his pride and joy.