Re Ganton (Relentless I am!):
Definitely a links. As with all links, it comes down to which Age, Era, or Eon you choose to live in, either forwards or backwards. In some times, links are underwater, in others seaside. Otherwise they are marooned high and dry.
Today, Ganton's marooned -- yet gaze out upon your grandchildren's or great-granchildren's Inlet of Pickering, my fellow posters, and wish the Ganton leadership their best in fighting the authorities to build their bulwarks agin the onrushing North Sea!
PS Not fully appreciated, the space-time continuum has a rent located at the Ganton crossroads in the Vale of Pickering. The popular legend is this rent came when Harry Vardon made a deal with the devil to acquire the Vardon Grip. Hold, that's the legend of Robert Johnson. I say, fellow posters, something seems wrong with our bloody oral history today.
Anyway, scientists tell us this rent was caused by the proliferation of whins, which as you all know are common to a links. Regardless, it does help explain the sense of timelessness golfers often feel there.