I did not take it personally.
I just think you ought to see it before you declare it "a sad day in Gca.com history" when our restoration is far closer to what Macdonald and Raynor built than any "faithful links-style tribute" you have seen. Stating it that way, I only concluded that you should then see the Old White before making your declaration. No offense was meant or taken.
What we put back was religously close to the original. I took quite a gamble putting the dragons teeth back because I knew it would be looked on as eye candy. But when you are hired to "restore" and the owner (at the time) was convinced (by me and others) that a leap back to their roots was far greater than a modern renovation, you pretty much have to weigh the practical with the quirk. At the time, if I had walked away from the dragons teeth as not practical, it would have opened a pandoras box of problems justifying other quirks that we needed to debate.