to Somerset Hills.
As I drove up Claremont Rd, as I looked left I saw parts of the golf course that I had never seen before.
It was obvious, before I reached the clubhouse, that a significant tree management program had been successfully undertaken.
As I played the golf course, it only got better.
The fairways seemed to have been widened and the greens expanded.
And, the wind/breeze seemed to be more of a factor.
Areas a little removed, but not totally removed from play have been allowed to grow unchecked, creating a textured look.
In some areas, this long grass might present too severe a penalty, but, overall, the changes to the golf course are quite impressive.
The vistas of the holes and internal features was terrific.
The course was also in very good playing condition, even on a 90+ degree day.
Some of the fairways appeared to be 50-60 yards wide.
The putting surfaces have some marvelous contours.
In the past, the trees were encroaching and intruding into the playing corridors, today, the openess is quite stunning.
Ryan, the young Superintendent and Adam the Head Professional are enthusiastic about the changes to date and the potential for additional changes.
Somerset Hills is fun to play.
If I had one comment, or thing I would do, I'd reverse the nines.
The finish, with 7,8 and 9 is incredibly strong.
The current finish, 16, 17 and 18 is very benign.
What a joy and pleasure to play, can't wait to do it again.