Given your comments on Ram Rock at Horseshoe Bay -- where would you personally place it among the state's top public courses.
Are any of the courses from Barton Creek among your personal top ten too ?
The DMNs will publish the public list tomorrow and Foothills is #1 in the "Most Expensive Category" ($81+). Canyons is #7, Palmer Lakeside is #19.
HSB Ram Rock, Applerock, and Slick Rock come in at #s 8, 13, and 15, respectively.
My own personal rankings are a bit different- I like Canyons more than Foothills, Applerock over Ram Rock, and indifferent on Lakeside vs. Slick Rock, though the latter has much better aesthetics/waterworks.
Matt, please don't take the DMNs high opinion of Barton Creek as verifying your gca IQ, particularly if it gets you to thinking about moving down here. Please take note of what that guy on another thread said about Texas- terrible schools, non-existent health care, etc., a real hell hole in comparison to whatever blue states he was comparing it to. We have way too many people, apparently too stupid to know better, moving down here already and pushing the political trends in the wrong direction. Just think of the rich golf scene in the Met area. You wouldn't look good in boots and a ten gallon hat, and NJ nor TX would be the same.