Until you've experienced that type of thing happening to you, it does look like poor form to make such statement, but unfortunately these type of things happen all the time in the building line of architecture, so I'm not surprised they happen in golf course architecture. Competitive fee bids, especially in such market conditions can be so daft, its just not worth thinking about. But having said that, there are often other circumstances that one wont always be aware of and what can seem like a stupidly low fee to one will be perfectly reasonable to another.
I really feel for a lot of the golf course architects on here! 17 or 18 years ago when I was trying to decide what to study at university, I really, and I mean really, wanted to be a golf course architect, so I was looking at landscape architecture as a starting point, but ended up studying building architecture instead as I always thought I could switch at a later date. As it turns out I fell in love with building architecture, but even back then I could see that there was a limited amount of work for golf course architects, with most of the work appearing to be abroad, and loving links and heathland courses I just didn't want that.
As far as the UK market is concerned, perhaps in the future there will be a boom in renovations of the classic Colt or Mackenzie or Fowler courses, similar to how there appears to have been in the US? There was also an article in Golf Course Architecture that was seeing Holland as a boom location so perhaps there is some work there? Fingers crossed that things pick up for everyone!