David, If they made a movie about RR it would star Brooke Shields and Chris Atkins. The title would be Poop Lagoon.
An esoteric crack at what happened there several years ago and the back story.
The course is built on/near the city's former poop lagoon. The land was donated to the city for the express purpose of building a GC. They lined a pond for the irrigation water, but placed it too close and at the same grade(or lower) than the unsanitary ponds nearby. Well, one day it rained so hard that the ponds overflowed into the irrigation water. Then they watered the course with the affected water and lost many many fairways. It didn't effect the architecture at all, but it does affect the way some look at the course. I'm confident, the situation is not the same today, as it's been at least 4 years since that happened.