Patrick. I disagree with you yes. I dont normally bother to read when I see green type because its normally twisted shite. You misread posts and twist. My very initial question was exactly that a question. I said personally I found the bunkering UGLY, I asked if others felt them same way, clearly some people do and some do not, great bunkering is in the eye of the beyholder, its an opinion. Much of Augusta I like. I asked if certain holes were blind.Kirk, I think being in position and getting vision or being out of position and not is good architecture too.
Whilst I agree you need to see some things being there, there are some things that are clear from a postcard. If we cant opine on things we have not visited multi times its limits the scope of this forum. I can as anyone else pass comment good or bad on what we see on photo tours and I can see from TV a bunker I like at Pebble Beach or a bunker I dislike at ANGC.
I look at bunkers at ANGC and see some too big, many dont come into play or parts of them dont and yes Ryan that one at 16 is one that comes to mind. People have opinions and opinions will differ, learn to accept other opinion Patrick, if you want to argue, argue things that are fact.