Jon - I think as Sean points out, schemes, deals, reciprocals with other clubs can work very well from a distance. We have an arrangement with a neigbouring club which works well, we swap 100 rounds each, I would say they use it more, equally we had another with a club and we used it but they did not, they have stopped it now, they felt the same people were using it. I have just agreed a reciprocal arrangement with Dainton Park some 120 miles away in South Devon and I would like to have an arrangement with a course at Bournemouth, the Kent coast and South Wales, perhaps even Oxfordshire way....somewhere an hour plus away. I look at this as a nice treat for our members and a nice treat for their members and in this world I think looking after the membership is important, its a reason for belonging. Slightly O/T I have a pair of season tickets for Bath Rugby and if Cardiff made the premiership I would buy a pair of those....again its a lovely treat.
I think the theory of a multi-club membership with 4 or 5 local's is great but in the practice the use would get a bit dis-jointed. A possible is that each club part of the scheme allows a reduced price, then the club can select its price to more fit the market place. There is a big market for golfers who want to belong at £100 per year and pay a reduced green fee per round and perhaps you could deal with other 4 or 5 clubs and all agree say £20, £18, £18, £15, £12 rates..... there are pitfalls too though, nothing is easy.