I knew I could count on you to chime in!
I do not know if he was referring to the course or membership. This gentleman is not a golfer, so I am assuming he meant in terms or membership. I agree that the status of membership at Myopia is certainly different than that of Essex's, but we are comparing apples to oranges, aren't we? Myopia may have a smaller membership, but I would take a pretty good educated guess to say that dues, are higher at essex than myopia. And I would also guess that the initiation fee at Essex would be more than Myopia's. Please correct me if you have any information to the contrary. Has myopia touched their clubhouse since I was there last and it was pretty much going towards neglect?
But here we have Myopia, TCC, and Essex, three of some of the very best courses in the state. While the anglican membership at Essex may no longer be existent, to say the membership is poor, based on Myopia membership, is very baseless. They clearly can afford to play golf at Myopia, if they play at Essex. Or is that wrong? I don't know much about what is being offered up north by you. Perhaps you can share some more light on their equality in due and initiaion fee structures, or their inequality.
If I were to call a club a "poorman's" , (first I wouldn't), second, wouldn't it be a club, that a) was cheaper to get into, b) had much less clout, and c) was a significantly worse course. When you really get into it, what seperates these clubs besides their course? And don't answer history DUH!
do you get what im saying? Yeah there is a difference in the clubs, as myopia and tcc are different than all Mass clubs, with maybe the exception of Dedham. And I believe those differences are solely based on elitism