“A Hostile voice from a previous generation” – no, not me. Mine is the voice of salvation, to free one’s mind and body from the modern temptations that just make one lazy, unhealthy, forgetful due to lack of regular usage of the little grey cells.
The world authorities are getting concerned about health and weight, more so as we see that its can reduce our life span. The need for regular exercise is now keenly recommended by many a Medical Agencies worldwide, plus the latest adult learning aids to maintain an active thinking mind.
The modern golfer and some on this site ride carts and utilise distance aids falling into the danger zone of all the current public health warnings. The end result will be all those who play golf in this fashion will soon be ‘no more’ leaving behind upset family and relatives, all for the sake of not honouring the traditions of the Game of Golf.
So I suppose I could say that I am doing my public duty, bringing home the dangers of ignoring good medical advice, so it’s very simple, continue being selfish seeking a shorter life, ride your carts and do not use your brains, as it will not be you that first notices the deterioration but close friends and family members. You will not have a clue because you can’t remember. Perhaps that explains your rather good score the last time you remember playing – no that’s a joke
Perhaps after all I have God on my side and I am here to preach the real message of long and healthy life, who knows , but one thing is for certain the game of Golf is far more pleasurable when one walks and thinks the moves with just the natural gifts we were given at birth.
Maybe I do have friends in high places after all. Whatever you have been warned again from a guy firmly in touch with today’s generations.
Thanks Garland, when you see Old Tom can you say Hi from me – past generations indeed!