How did I misunderstand you when I quoted you directly and then repeated exactly what you wrote in my question? You asked about the need for rear greenside bunkers because, and these are your exact words, "I ask because many of the front Green defensives are now becoming redundant due to the ability to land on the Green, so should we not beef up the rear to accommodate an overshoot..."
So you are stating that due to an ability to land the ball on the green, thus clearly implying that the ground game involving running balls up and onto the green is no longer there for most players. My question about what YOU wrote next then is quite evident that I understood you. Again, here is what I asked:
"Melvyn, placing "stone walls" 20m in front of greens to "stop balls and test the resolve of the golfer? Isn't your premise based upon fronting bunkers becoming irrelevant because of the "modern aerial game?""
The reason for asking that question is because you stated, "Many options exist but I favour continuing the fairway/rough combination with either or/and bunkers, stone walls or blind dells placed some 20 M approx. out from the Green to hopefully finally stop the ball and test the resolve of the golfer with his recovery shot."
I used the pohrase "20m in front of greens" where you used the phrase "some 20m approx. from the green..." Sorry Melvyn, I apologize for your misunderstanding, but I am simply stating the same thing that you are, that you advocate building stone walls approx. 20m out from the green" and that you advocate this as a means to "finally stop the ball" and yet your opening question is based upon challenging players who fly the ball onto the green. Something doesn't make sense here and I believe it is what you wrote.
Are you actually trying to state that the "stone walls" you advocate building are for the BACK SIDE of the green? On this side of the pond, where the true game of golf is enjoyed

the phrase "out from the green" would most likely be understood, in my opinion of course, as referring to the FRONT SIDE of the green and that is how I took it.