Anybody who does not think that context is important should go homeward and think again (....just paraphrasing the Scottish "national" anthem).....!
Merion in October, with the leaves beginning to fall, and the colors in those "bunkers in the sky" near their best was magnificent, but not a patch as to what it probably is at the Wilson, with sun in the sky, and people rather than empty chairs on the veranda and a whole lot of really good golfers watching you try to hit off the first tee, and you knowing that the course is playing firm and fast and no matter what score you manage to make it is going to be written up on some wall later in the day for everybody to see.....
I know it is the same at Dornoch and I assume it is the same at NGLA, for the Singles, etc., etc......
And yet, there are also those days such as early springs at Rye, or late autumns at Ballybunion, where you are playing off forward tees, and the course is a bit rough, but still very visible, and you feel glad to have chosen to play this wonderful game....
And there will be, those days when you play one of your last rounds with your father or one of the first rounds with your daughter, and you connect--silently, probably--and leave whatever first tee you are on with the warmest and most thoughtful smile that it is possible for a human being to achieve....