I saw this thread yesterday, and thought I'd sleep on it, and think about it a bit. Then, I came back to find actual photos of the exotic game posted! So my impression based on experience of actually having met the exotic wild life out there is to caution you that unlike Sashquash and Big Foot of the Pac Norwest, with grainy evidence of its existence, this Sand Hills version is actually known as Big Red Curly Mane Male Cougar. He is quite docile. He is seen frequently, unlike the PacNorwester. His main characteristic is hovering and observing. Unlike the predatory big cats, I don't think he watches because he will devour you, but now that I see those cutie pie photos of alarmingly young prey of that region, I am rethinking the harmless docile part.
He stands much taller and appears much wider than I think he actually is. And he lures you in with a grin. Maybe it is a nature's adaptation thing.

His hovering observation is a natural behavior trait that often mimics the habits of a caddie.

When provoked, he will pick up impliments and lash out, but never without great evaluatiuon of his options

Sometimes he evaluates options so hard, his head hurts

finally, this Sand Hills Big Red Curly Mane Male Cougar is known to be sociable (not sure about how sociable is appropriate around the the miss teen Sandy Hills dollies) He stands a bit bowl legged, and has had some big pain to deal with, and has been riding in motorized transportation in his natural habitat. But, he is headed for a procedure to build him some new haunches. So we wish him all the best and fast recovery and return to that natural habitat up in the Sand Hills.