David and Tom, now that their primary evidence (the P&O letters) has been shown to completely disavow their claims, now point to Wilson's brief 1916 summary of what was done over many months to say, "see, it's not in come you guys don't believe Hugh Wilson?", while pretending that what Wilson and P&O wrote back and forth contemporaneous with events is suddenly beyond their ability to comprehend.
It's quite comical and an interesting turn of events, really.
As far as the sections of sod labelled A and B, yes, you're quite correct that they represented the bluegrass found near the "house", and the primary grass found over a large section of the property.
That second section and sample is what I want to call your attention to, however.
If you re-read that section, Wilson claims to have 25 acres of it, and suggests that the grass cover is so good that they really don't need to plow that area, but instead just harrow, treat, and add some seed.
This is exactly what happened. It was the only section of the property to not be plowed and became fairways 10, 11, and 12 at the time, and possibly sections of other adjoining holes. The rest of the property was plowed, harrowed, treated, and seeded.
Yesterday David took me to task for saying that they had to develop about 100 acres of the 120 they had. This is where I got that number from, and my estimate was probably quite a bit high once you consider the areas for clubhouse, roads, parking, etc..
In any case, this turned out to be a mistake on Wilson's part, and those fairways had to be scrapped and completely stripped, re-seeded and grown prior to the 1916 US Amateur.
The funny thing is that neither of those guys believe the wild claims of the other, yet have to support each other's ridiculous leaps of logic here lest they risk losing the others support.
Patrick, for his part, couldn't care less what the actual historical record shows, but is only interested in sitting cheerleader-like on the sidelines rooting for his man-love Charles Blair Macdonald, perhaps hoping that his undying devotion will someday lead to a long desired invitation.
It's an interesting sideshow.