Crossing a road is one thing, having a road run through the entire stretch of the very narrow phantom layout that Mike championed is another.
We know CBM crossed a road at NGLA with his 8th and 11th holes.
Likewise his Eden hole, # 13 and the Driveway on # 18.
But, that's a far cry from having one of the two MAJOR Highways of the time running down the entire length of the golf course.
Especially on a very, very, very narrow elongated golf course.
It's an absurd theory, one that a prudent person wouldn't consider unless they had a self serving agenda.
First Mike said that there was nothing there, then when it was pointed out that a Major Highway ran down the middle of his long narrow course, he denied its existance even though it was on the schematic he produced, the one he used as evidence to support his claim. He continued to deny its existance, then, finally admitted it was there, but that CBM would move it, then he denied its existance by producing a schematic showing only one road on the entire South Fork. And now, now it's clear that the North Highway was in full operation in 1906.
Mike changes his story daily, desperately clinging to any item in every newspaper account that Joe finds, in an effort to validate his phony theory.
Macdonald told us that he found the land adjoining Shinnecock Hills golf course.
Since he was a member there, I think it's reasonable to assume that he was familiar with where the Shinnecock Golf Course was, especially when he was playing it. (;

As a member of Shinnecock Hills, CBM was intimately familiar with how to get there.
He was familiar with the land East of the Canal, leading to Shinnecock, just like every member today.
As to my "liar" comment, I stand by it.
For Mike to produce a map, with just one road on it, the South (Montauk) highway, and offer it as proof, implying that the NORTH Highway didn't exist, is blatantly dishonest. It's a LIE. There's nothing he won't resort to in an attempt to justify his bogus theory, and lying, misrepresenting, omitting and twisting of the facts are just part of his SOP repertoire.
You and I may argue, passionately, even vehemently, about the play of the 3rd hole at Baltusrol, but, I think we both respect each others integrity, in that our positions are honest representations of the facts and our logic.
That's not the case with Mike.
He has shown, time and time again, that he's been disengenuous and dishonest.
I trust what you write, I view everything that Mike writes, with enlightened suspicion.
I don't trust him to be candid, and I don't trust him to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Everybody makes mistakes, but to deliberately post false or misleading information, to deliberately omit or misrepresent the facts is dishonest.
And, if somebody lies, directly or through inference and/or implication, I'm going to call it as I see it.
It might not be the most diplomatic or popular thing to say, but, if I remain silent, I'll hate myself.
Never forget what olde Billy Boy stated in Hamlet, Scene I, Act iii. "This above all: ........
And now, to Quote George Burns, "Say Goodnight Gracie"