You were the genesis of the ‘moron by association’ remark when you said "it is virtually impossible for anyone of any intelligence to have a productive conversation or discussion" with TMac. You've been interacting with MacWood for the past ten years on this site, ergo, I rest my case."
Yes I have, Jim Kennedy, and it would probably do you well to rest your case completely and stay out of that in the future and if you must enter into it then try to be a bit more objective and even-handed about it as Mike Cirba accurately mentioned and asked you to be.
You're an odd one on here, Jim Kennedy. I don't know you or who you are but you seem to want to be perceived on here as some kind of moderator or school master type who wants to keep the peace. Occasionally you actually offer some really insightful opinions, as I believe you did on this thread and then oddly you deleted most of them and replaced them with a "smiley" and preceded on with your apparently intended moderator or school master persona. I have no problem with any of that other than to reiterate what Cirba said about you----eg you just don't seem to know how to be even-handed or objective about it with the participants on this website.
I suspect that many of us on here have some form or degree of your MO on here, which is that we all have some of our own inherent biases and prejudices about certain things and believe me, with you it shows in spades to me! Apparently you seem to feel the same way in that vein towards me that I do towards you.

All I said to MacWood was that I feel it has become virtually impossible for anyone of any intelligence to have a productive conversation or discussion with him on here. I didn't say a thing about association or morons----you are the one who first mentioned that Jimbo, Bimbo, Akimbo Kennedy.