When we talk about "roads", it's important to remember the source of this whole discussion; to wit, it was the contention of both Patrick and David that there was no way CBM could have been looking at the land I suggested that was west of 1906 Shinnecock Hills (which at that time was virtually due south of NGLA), skirted the Long Island railroad to the south, and whose western boundary extended to the canal between Good Ground and Shinnecock Station, both arguing vociferously that the "North Highway" was running smack dab right through it in 1906.
This is important to keep in mind now that neither David nor Patrick are willing to tell us exactly where they think that "highway" actually was located in 1906, even though they've been asked repeatedly by multiple people here.But yet, this is what David wrote after I suggested that this might be the land described in those October 1906 articles he posted;
Like in the post above, for example. You have shamelessly pretended that those articles were referencing the 120 acres of land near the canal, again and again, post after post, lame-ass drawing after lame-ass drawing, not suggesting but insisting - INSISTING - that you knew best and that your contrived pencil thin outline containing a highway was definitely the right land. Wasting all of our time with your bullshit. To no avail.
So what's next for you? You just segue from one smelly pile of misinformation into the next smelly pile of misinformation. This time you create an entirely new attempted transaction! Let's pretend that in additon to the other properties, CBM was also trying to buy this bizarre two mile narrow strip of property containing the highway. Never mind that there is NO SUPPORTING EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER for this. Never mind that he'd have to have been an IDIOT to conceive of such a thing. Those things do not matter to you. You want it to be true, so you will not let minor details like facts get in your way. You'll just make up some more crap and pretend like you know best. And we will all waste another week of watching you try to pound your round peg into a square hole. Hard to imagine, but Patrick was even more apoplectic;
If he did, he must have been drinking heavily because that light yellow enclosure of yours has a highway running right smack down the middle of it.
Mike, it is dishonest, not just intellectually dishonest, but flat out dishonest, when you make things up and then draw predetermined, erroneous conclusions, presenting them as factually bona fide.
That land was NOT empty.
The NORTH Highway, the predecessor to the Sunrise Highway ran right through it, all the way to Amagansett.
The NORTH Highway ran right through the center of your golf course.In response, back about 20 pages of screamed accusations and personal insults ago, I posted the following map and commentary, about which Patrick has continually claimed since that I stated no other roads including the North Highway even existed in Long Island by 1914.
His hyperbole is just that; I never claimed anything of the sort. In fact, here is my supposed "lie" and what I wrote at the time;
Even by 1914 it looks as though the highway to the South Fork was south of the tracks, not north of it. I also like the way the scaled map shows the exact location of each Railroad Station, giving us a better idea of how far apart the original Shinnecock Hills station was from "Golf Grounds".
Was there any development north of the track in Shinnecock at this early time?
From the looks of things here, the "inlet" between Good Ground and the Shinnecock Hills Train Station would appear to be the Canal, no?

You would have thought I'd set fire to the NGLA clubhouse so vehement and vile has been the flurry of insults and recriminations.
Heaven forbid that I actually try to locate a site CBM may have potentially looked at prior to purchasing NGLA, a site suggested by the landmarks cited in the October 1906 articles David posted. Those guys are sooo sure that the land in question is the current site, even though the western border is 1.5 miles from the western border of today's NGLA, that they feel it necessary to bully and insult any one who dares suggest that it isn't.
This has moved past parody into comical absurdity. We are now having a discussion about a Highway to nowhere where David is trying to convince Bryan that words and definitions don't mean what they mean...
18 freaking houses in all of Shinnecock Hills at the time. 18.
Virtually ALL of them in the southern section below the tracks sited above Shinnecock Bay.
And yet supposedly the area above the tracks is serviced by an immovable highway that would have precluded anyone from building a golf course up near Cold Spring Bay where I suggested.
Brilliant. Too Freaking funny!
I think I'll just go back to the sidelines and cancel my subscription to "Joke of the day", because sitting back and watching Patrick and David, while still both refusing to actually tell us where their supposed "Highway" existed in 1906, still try to tell us they are right.
Funnier still is the contention from Patrick and David that the reason I am arguing that the October articles are not the site of NGLA because...get this...it's part of my Master Planned Agenda to prove that Merion wasn't designed by CBM in a day.
Somehow, by refusing to stretch out CBM's design timeline by an additional two months because I don't think those articles refer to the land he actually bought, I'm advancing my Machavellian agenda to show that CBM would have taken a much more methodical approach than all those foreign pros who came before him. Follow that logic?

Anyway, here's the 1914 Atlas from which I made my original contention that no major highway existed above the Railroad tracks, even by that late date.
We know from the metes and bounds produced earlier that it wasn't even proposed to be a public road until 1913, and I'm pretty sure that never got built as described in that document, and am looking forward to seeing Bryan's efforts to map it out.
In any case, I also hope someone can find the full page of this map...the one I took is cropped on the left side and you can't read the entire key.
In any case, I'm done here and have presented every bit of information I could find on early NGLA. I hope some have found it of interest and value.
Just wanted to let folks know why I'm now Public Enemy number one and worthy of pages of insult from those two brilliant researchers and analysts who seek nothing but the truth.