Mike McGuire,
Thanks for understanding "Wuss-consin".

The premise here is ridiculous and nothing more than a blame-game, with employees as an easy target. Mike, and others, would have us believe that the members of a club are such a bunch of morons that they can be led around by their noses, and have been for many years, by employees who only have their own welfare at heart. Well guess what, if club presidents or board heads/members are so intimidated by their supers, pros or managers then they as a group should be the target, not the employees.
When it was full speed ahead no clubs cared too much if their restaurant lost some money, after all, they had their own little dining enclave away from the hoi-polloi and that's what the club wanted. When the swimming pool and tennis courts were put in the costs were absorbed, because the club wanted the amenities. When it was full speed ahead and the club wanted greens that stimped at 12 and lush fairways mowed at 3/8" and were told by the super that it was going to cost XXX$, well, it was full speed ahead because that's what the club wanted.
At the white elephant clubs, the CCFADs, the story is no different. It wasn't an employee who spent millions on behemoth clubhouses sheltering overblown pro shops, sports bars, locker rooms, dining facilities, etc. It wasn't an employee who decided that there should be official greeters in the parking lot, or cart boys or food carts or ten-acre practice ranges with multple pyramids of PROV1's stacked on the line, and it wasn't an employee that spent the big pile of cash needed to hire the name-brand architect.
This thread wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for an economy that took a huge downturn, and someone looking to blame someone else.