Many posters on this thread have made some very valid points in assessing where many of these private clubs have gone sideways. There is no question...some of these professional golf associations have become part of the problem. While the intentions are noble, many of them have created unsustainable models of ever-increasing costs and administrative layers that are not necessary...unless thery're trying to justify their position and bloated salary.
I have plenty of respect for the majority of hardworking golf industry professionals and begrudge no one for earning a good living for their efforts. That said, when assistent pros are often working 60 hr+ weeks, making peanuts after spending over a hundred grand plus for the asssociation stipulated PGA credentials through college golf management programs and ass. superintendents are often working even more hours for not much more than peanuts, after often spending even more time and money on required education...something's wrong with this picture.
In these systems of almost indentured servitude, the only person making a decent wage is the guy at the top. Sound familiar?!
It's the corporatization of the game that's helping ruin it. Look at the salaries of these upper level, administrators in the various golf organizations. Many are knocking down a million plus...for what! Where are all the health of the game innovations, ground-breaking initatives and real numbers growth that the games supposed to need... that we constantly hear about from the pulpits of these entities. Sorry, the results don't match the remuneration scale folks.
While golf has many positives to point to, there is no question a sobering introspection and unvarnished assessment of realistic goals is long overdue and the denial, bunker-mode mentality is still in full flower with many. Quite often, it is more prevalent the higher you go in these organizations, as they're interested in preserving the status quo. The net result of this continued behavior will be a deeper decline before it gets better.
Take care of the golf and everything else takes care of itself, provided you have competent folks in place who love and put the game as a sport first, rather than focusing on the "golf business" and how much money they can extract from it.
Cheers all...Happy New Year!