iIf you like builidng things, there's a whole lot of fun in developing a golf course , at least for us golf nuts. The birthing proces is a mix of politics, art , pragmatism, economics , engineering , and intestinal fortitude. It is at the same time exhilarating , exasperating and extremely educational.
The first step is the obvious why ? As the costs can be quite staggering> see Doak above.
If the why is that you can afford the time and money to see it to fruition , good for you . With rare exception , the owners are going to have to fund it for a while until the time it becomes self sufficient....and most today don't get there
Assuming the above doesn't slow you down, you have to be prepared for a fairly long siege at the planning stages , particularly in sites that include any water features or are near water. An inordinate amount of permitting is the norm , and if there is any early push back from the government at your selected site , let the buyer beware. It usually doesn't get easier, as many people for whatever reason like to fight golf course development . This in spite of the obvious open space and recreational benefits to the public.
In my mind the only real good opportunities these days are for very low end courses , that fill a void that may exist in certain communities , and can run without a lot of ancillary suppot services. This isn't too exciting for most of us , given the architectural bent of same.
places like Bandon, where a visionary like Mike Keiser has the personal wealth to wade thru any potential obstacles and understands a niche market that few would have bet on ....good for him and us!
your own place , where money earned is immaterial and you can invest 5-10 million and afford to spend 10% of that a year to have a good time .....and these places do exist....yet the owners typically tire of the toy ...the for who for what syndrome
given this dark analysis ..if you have a good golf course or club in your neighborhood , support them and help them flourish... it's a lot easier to be a member or customer than the potentate!