In order to get a proper tally on where people stand on course contamination and identify individual hypocrisies we almost need to make a quiz....I'll start:
1) When/where is spitting acceptable on a golf course?
A. Never
B. Never on tees, fairways and greens and surroundings, and trying to do it unobserved
C. Never on greens
D. Anywhere, I don't see what the big deal with Tiger was
2) When/where is urination on the golf course acceptable?
A. Only in restrooms/port-a-potties
B. Only in out of the way areas where you can't possibly be observed by others
C. In a somewhat out of the way area where you won't be too observed
D. Whip it out anywhere, even in the middle of the fairway
3) Where is it permissible to dispose of cigarette butts on the golf course?
A. Nowhere, smoking should be banned from golf courses
B. Only in designated waste receptacles or kept on you for later disposal
C. Anywhere other than greens, fairways or tees
D. Anywhere at all, a butt on the green is a loose impediment no different than an acorn or maple seed
4) When/where is it permissible to bring a dog on the golf course, and what should be done about his natural urges?
A. Dogs do not belong on golf courses
B. Don't let the dog urinate on tees, greens or fairways, and pick up any poop anywhere on the course
C. Have him poop in the rough, leave it there, and don't worry about where he urinates
D. Dogs aren't the only animals pooping on the course, just watch where you step
My answers are B, B, B, and B, though to be fair I must admit if I were Emperor of the world it'd be B, B, A, and A (unless they are VERY well trained dogs, with me, the Emperor, being the sole deteriment of how well-trained the dog is)