Isn't there any vacant land near 17th & Girard for you to donate a golf course?
It is actually an interesting comparison to golf course urban history. St Joe's Prep and University both started in the city. The Prep stayed in North Philadelphia even after a fire destroyed the building in 1967. The University moved to its City Line location in Philadelphia in the Overbrook section which was suburban in that era. Georgetown Prep and University did the opposite where the Prep moved out and the University stayed.
When you move a golf course (See Overbrook GC for one instance in Philly) or a school from an urban location to a suburban/rural location, obviously you change the demographics as not everyone can afford/want to be bused or driven to school/golf in the burbs.
If I had been smart I would have bought a bunch of vacant buildings at 17th and Girard in my day. But trust me Steve, I would have sold it to the Jesuits, as they have more money than God! If you ever want a list of the largest real estate company in the world, start with The Vatican (aka Catholic Church) and #2 is not even close. Lots of cemeteries just crying for a golf course out there.