Hey Matt , been there done that ....but thanks
I appreciate that you tried to help ..
Now , if you would answer as to the question....as this is our discussion group ...Do you think the municipal golf courses should get a free liquor license ....and if so isn't this unfair??? If fair minded people accept this as OK , we are in trouble...big trouble
By the way did the muni's in your neck of the woods get them for free also
Rather than lose big in my favorite state NJ they just might save a lot of cash and aggravation by not making the mistakes I did trusting the system. YOU must have big big money and incredible patience and time to succeed anymore. I love it here but more and more of my friends are giving up and leaving , and they are some of our best and brightest, I'm probably too stubborn to let them drive me out
as an aside my friend in Ocean City who is expanding and enclosing his deck on his home of twenty five years is up to $4600 in review fees surveys and the like ...this for a 133 foot expansion and enclosure of same ....by the way if he expands his deck he has to buy two waivers for trees from the shade tree commission at $250 per tree that he won''t plant lol...it just goes on and on...maybe you can help stop it, I'm trying here
We recently got rid of the city solicitor of over 27 years who in many ways ran our town and privately bragged about it ..w echecked his billing records and ,he was found and admitted to have misbilled the city for thousands of dollars ...actually it was way more ...he blamed it on his firms billing system , they billed when he was out of town multiple times ...over a hundred mistakes actually
.but.... the local ethics board cleared him of ethics viiolations ...they decided that the city was ok with him apoligizing and returning the money ...he got a Charlie Rangel lol ..the board actually ruled that because the city didn't bring the complaint there was no real issue
It was interesting that durign the proceedings two of my buidings ( which are pristine) were red tagged for various and sundry code vioations and the other citizen who participated caught city workers going thru his trash looking for recycling violations thye alos came and told me that I would have to rip out my driveway because it wasn'
t code, unitl I reminded them that our most famous resident's drivewway was identicl and I'd rip mine out when he did
we prevailed I guess as he lost his job ...the council voted 4-3 not to rehire