Quirk never heard of it, can't be anything to do with Scottish Golf. Quirk, no sorry mate we only play golf here, you know the game where you WALK & THINK 18 holes, on a normal length course, where we embrace Nature and the Natural that is at the heart of our Great Game of Golf.
Quirk is sitting on your ass, stressing up as you ride from shot to shot;
Then stumbling because you are not used your legs, so walking even a few yards can be confusing;
Quirk is forgetting what to do when you approach your ball;
Quirk is having to use outside images to first select a club then to judge the distance you want the ball to travel;
Quirk is getting back to the cart and remembering where it was parked without having a coronary;
Quirky is using all the latest equipment and saying the score was all down to you.
No sorry Anthony can’t think of many Scottish courses that offer that type ot con – oops sorry Quirk, although I am told that there are one or two American styled courses here that might fit the definition of your word Quirk.
Have a Nice Day and I hope you are not a quack due to your quirk fixation - As for Quirk You, sorry but that’s going just a little too far even for a friend.
Now if you want to play Golf come to Scotland, it will help you fight your quirks and may even set you back on the true path of the faithful and return that which you seem to have lost, the enjoyment of the game so you can relax and enjoy life.
Melvyn (The Un-Quirked)