You should be able to do Erin Hills to Lawsonia in about an hour, maybe 75 minutes tops. Not less than that, but really not much more. (If you have a map, quickest way from EHills is go north to Hartford -- about three miles -- then Hhwy 60 east to Highwy 41 north (which is four-lane, 65 mph) to Hghway 23 west at Fond du Lac. The entrance to Lawsonia is directly off Hghwy 23. Go through Ripon and skip past Green Lake, and you are there.)
One warning about Erin Hills -- it is not a quick walk. I seem to recall your fondness for rugged walks, as I know you have some of those in New England, but Erin Hills is very tough to get around in less than four hours. A lot of it has to do with fairly long green-to-tee walks.