Running the gamut of emotions reading all the replies to the posts . I might suggest the sampling is of higher educated and affluent people than the norm in America , as most surveys show serious golfers are. This thoughtful, highly educated group still gets caught up in the dems vs republicans argument.
What is scary to me is that almost no one looks at their local government as a microcosm of the big one, and it is being increasingly controlled by the bureaucrats and their minions. If more of you had to pull permits to build a house , get a sewer connection , or heaven forbid build a golf course the experience might leave you amazed and scared , yes scared!
Their is no limit to what most municipalities , states and federal government will go to to deny the basic rights of anyone who doesn't play ball with them, whether thru payoffs , excess permitting fees or pay to play ( ie campaign contributions) It matters not democrat or Republican they are all in the game together . The very arguments pro dem or republican promulagated here is the lifeblood of their agenda, and fuels their ability to grab more and more control of who builds x and gets the public funding on y . They play us one against the other with consummate skill , with decades of practice at pulling people apart by pointing out the differences between them. This can be skin color , education , wealth etc etc.
The costs of gvoernment have risen so dramatically because capitalism is not what we proctice anymore ,the best connected , not the best company or individual gets the job almost all the time . It is not a few jobs for friends , it now is a few ( very few) jobs for all the rest.