> Golf Course Architecture

Tuco Ramirez does the Texas Two Step in Port Lavaca-Nuzzo's Wolf Point

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Mike Nuzzo:
I only wish there was more Tuco to share.
He was here and then gone far too quickly.
I can see a long, long fight in our future.

As I am still recovering, there is only time for one small correction.
I have been practicing Brazillian Jiu Jitsu for only one year, and it is the blue belt that I near.
But I guess in this regard I am similar to Wolf Point.
I look somewhat tame.
An old comfortable friend.
It appears as if there are no stripes on my belt, but that is because they have been worn off with practice.
The look in your eyes at the 15th tee is very similar to the one of the higher belt as I pass their guard.
I am sorry I laughed at your fate, I had never seen such a well struck shot take such a wrong turn when landing.
It did result in your great recovery.

Viva Tuco.

John Mayhugh:
Untucked shirt.
Running shoes.
A dog roaming around.
That course......

What a day!

Noel Freeman:

Those are big words compadre, big words considering I think you may run into Tuco this weekend... Since, I will make sure you never access Wolf Point on your globe trotting access affairs ;D you must then understand that there are no dress rules at Wolf Point since it is a committee of one..

Tuco: I like big fat men like you. When they fall they make more noise. And sometimes they don't get up.

Michael Whitaker:
Mike, Tuco is a little pale for Texas! Next to you he looks like an albino!!!

Tuco... get some sun on those legs, amigo!  8)

Mike Cirba:
Awesome report, Tuco.

Although I see you've resorted to "The Claw" when clutching your revolver.   Marriage does that to a man's nerves.


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