Thats a solid looking swing from those two pictures. From the looks of it, I can't imagine her having a problem reaching the green.
I have a friend who has a spectacular swing, absolutely classic.
To see it, you'd think he'd eat up every course and opponent.
There's only one problem.
He's a powder puff and can't hit the ball very far.
Now I realize that MH hit the ball well, but, now you and those other morons

are going to tell me that you can gleen how far someone hit a particular shot by just looking at totally different photos of her swing, from the top of their swing and another photo at the finish ?
You could make a fortune in the teaching department.
Just have golfers send you still photos of the top of their swing and another photo from a different swing at the finish and you can analyze how far they hit the ball.
How many times have we watched TV and seen what looked like a perfect swing, start to finish, only to see the ball go short in a pond or OB.
Please stop looking for desperate excuses and look at the physics, measurements and facts.