Do I detect a tone of elitism in your boast to ‘Wear a Kilt Commando to prove I’ a true Scotsman’. Gone alas are the days when ‘The Men of The Tartan’ could let is all ‘Swing Low’ for fear of The Health & Safety Brigade.
I suspect the spherical objects will be under the cover of darkness in a tartan set of underwear from M&S, Oh the shock and horror, how the mighty have fallen (sorry, not the image one want to consider while on this subject). The next thing you will be telling me is that you use a cart and are becoming totally reliant on distance aids due to questionable vision or is that peer pressure from overseas friends.
Be careful on the streets of St Andrews many may whisper as you past ‘There goes a once proud and powerful Scotsman, till he picked up the habit of riding – poor man now just a shadow of his former self’.
My understand in that Alex Salmond (First Minister in The Scottish Parliament) is about to table a motion questioning whether cart riders can call themselves Scotsman. For persistent offenders banishment is being considered.
If you have indeed wandered from the true path, please return before The Salmond excommunicates you from the true faith of ‘The 18 Holes’. Should you repent immediately then the full glory of the game will unfold before your eyes as the gates of The 19th opens - but remember a Scotsman does not buy the first round - (just follow Niall’s example should get you a good dozen drinks before your round – Mark's English and a solicitor so should be good for many, many rounds

). Amen
Sorry but the word Commando seems to be a trigger for my poor old brain, I’m feeling OK now,
Hope your guys have a good round
