"I'm just asking what is your level of interest, are you a searcher, interpreter, or defender?"
No Tom, that is exactly what you are NOT doing. If you were, you wouldn't have stated, "IMO there aren't a enough open minded searchers looking at this topic." That statement can only mean that you've already judged those on here for what you've decided they are.
I am a searcher. will you accept that because I say it?
Once again you've also ignored the question that was asked of you:
"So Tom, BEFORE you become critical of the researches that others on here have done, which by your statement that there aren't "enough open minded searchers looking at this topic" which really means that they don't agree with YOUR INTERPRETATION of the events, it is only fair that you put up first..." SO once again Tom, I've already stated some of what I've done to prove that I am a "searcher" so why won't you do so?