Are there any requirements for quality of the course?
I could give you a bunch of unwatered Midwestern courses that play like blacktop in the summer. I wouldn't send people on this site off to play them though.
Living in the midwest myself there are of course a few of these within a short distance (though it hasn't been consistently dry enough for more than a few years for them to really reach that crispy yellow grass "blacktop" state!)
They aren't architecturally interesting, but they are useful to visit prior to a trip to Scotland and Ireland! I find it is also helpful sometimes for getting my game back when everything goes bad - well except putting, usually these courses will make bad putting worse so I don't try too hard on the greens so I don't worry about misses... Just play a round barefoot, the courses are usually only 6000 yards so its all drives and wedges, with the wedges always really tough because you have a 35' diameter oasis of green you are trying to find, surrounded by concrete that will kick a ball landing near but not on the green 30 yards long on a 60 yard shot. You either get your rhythm back or quit the game for a month or two out of frustration