Hold on.. Richard has some points, maybe a little exagerated but not really much..
When one looks across the topography at BT, the hills are really not that bad, and roughly comparable to CB's if there were no trees

certainly getting up to BT's14 tee is a chug, if they don't have the shuttle running, but that hole is definitely worth it and its pretty easy sailing from there..

even with BT's16 to trudge up.. the BT climbs seemed to me like long ramps

and the final hill at BT18, you just need your gca.com bag, 9 clubs, and 4-5 balls, no real sweat, but it was longer thanthe other resort courses

at CB its really the steepness of only some of the walks, both green to tee and tee to green that gets you, which I've previously called stress tests. I didn't feel any real stress tests at BT, OM or PD like i did at CB
CB love.. no, appreaciate, definitely yes
Bandon Love, Definitely YES