YES, this site does try to force it's preferences on all others.....but to no most cases....I think there are many fine new courses and architects that so many on here would not give a placed the name of a favorite on the course and did not tel l them until they had finished praising it...
We get some major dorkfest stuff going on on this site and it's sort of like guys playing TIGER WOODS GOLF video and someone thinking they can play golf.....not true for everyone but my firends that watch this site get that impression....
How is this forcing anything?
How does anyone on here force anything on anyone?
I'm as set in my ways when it comes to preferences as anyone, in fact probably more than just about anyone, but how does that qualify in any way whatsoever as forcing my views on anyone?
I decide in advance many times where I want to play because I have limited resources, as do most in life (though perhaps not most on here

). Sure I may miss a special course occasionally, but I still manage to sleep okay in spite of this.
As I said earlier, golf is fun, I can have fun playing just about anywhere, even courses I may not choose to play if given a reasonable alternative. But there are certain things I look for when choosing a place to play - the architect's name only comes into play to the extent that I am familiar with what he MAY GENERALLY offer, or has offered in the past, so I may make the decision based on his name, but it's not really his name, it's his product.
Golf is no different from many many other businesses in that sense, whether it's writing books, cooking meals, or even printing t shirts!
So, in conclusion, no, I don't think "we" are missing the boat. Not in any meaningful sense of the word.