... I often find the best courses rather uninspired even if they are the best. ...
What kind of mumbo jumbo is this?

The sort of mumbo jumbo where I can readily see that Muirfield is a very good golf course, but one that doesn't do much for me. Just like I can say the BMW 5 Series is a very good car, but doesn't do much for me so I won't buy it.
So you are saying the BMW 5 Series is uninspired?
I am sure the 5 Series was/is an inspiration for someone, but it doesn't inspire me anywhere near to the point where I want to buy it. That doesn't in the least mean I don't think it a good car, because I do think it is a good car. To continue the analogy, the 5 Series doesn't inspire me because it does more or less what a multitude of cars do - including far cheaper cars. What it does have, similar to the acknowledged great courses, is a famous badge that demands respect and a premium price even if badge engineering may play a strong role in its fame.
It is okay to be discriminating and even expect more, where the greats are concerned because they usually charge for the rep wether it can be delivered or not.