I was out there again today. My take; the Rees changes did not improve the course although they arguably made it harder. The Dick Wilson/Joe Lee routing was and is just fine and takes good advantage of the site. It was a very good golf course hampered in its efforts to get a "major" by the tremendous amount of play, the desire to operate at a profit and the need to move players around the course. The changes lengthen the course and add extreme fairway bunkers that are, for want of a better term, formulaic. Not particularly attractive or strategic but they do narrow the landing areas. Putting aside the conditioning issues, there are a number of attempts to creat "greens within greens" through the use of spines running out of bunker capes which have little or no relationship to the surrounding topography. Each "sub-green" has limited contour to allow faster green speeds. The old surfaces were far more natural and attuned to the surrounding terrain but, again, these changes may have been perceived as being consistent with features which the USGA favors. Finally, it is difficult to comment on greenskeeping problems unless one is on site regularly and/or has access to the data. I agree that rebuilding the greens,planting them with A4, and installing subair was done to insure premium conditions even in hot and humid summers. There are a lot of elevated exposed greens but I don't know if they had winter kill related issues. I only know that I heard from any number of the pros and several pro am participants that the greens were very uneven with a lot of bare spots. The fairways are not what they should be either.
Finally, to the extent this has impacted on the reputation of the venue, it is a shame. Regardless of whether one agrees with the decision to make the changes in an effort to get the US Open, the Jemsek family has been great for golf and only deserves good things. Joe, followed by his son Frank, brought quality golf to the public sector without having to add all the bells and whistles of the Country Club for a day operations. In addition, they have been extremely charitable. While I may not agree with all that has been done to the course, I am certain they were done with the best of intentions and I continue to hope the family meets with success.