A top level event such as a Senior Open or Walker Cup would be a great start for Deal. Even if they wouldn't have the large scale infrastructure of big grandstands etc, they could still play the 1st as the 18th as suggested, just to see how it works out? I can't see how one of those events wouldn't be a success, and if so that would mean maybe one day an Open would be possible.
I have to admit I'm not a big fan of changing the routings around for these events as they did at Hoylake, as it means your average visitor wouldn't be playing the same course, but I think that would be a small price to pay?
I've always said that its not really down to the infrastructure, its up to the will and desire of the R&A, and if they want the Open elsewhere then they would make it work. A good number of the current rota courses have poor infrastructure but that doesn't seem to stop them?
Lastly, how about Saunton as an alternative Open venue in the south west? Play 2 through to 6, pop over to play 10, 11 and 8 on the West, then back to the East to play 7, 11 to 18 and then 1 as the closing hole, as there is plenty of room down there for grandstands etc, it omits the crowding around the middle and creates a big area there for tented village etc. Perhaps our good Mr Stephens has time to draw something like this up and start another thread?