I am sorry to hear about your son's medical condition and I wish all the best to you and your family. Raising an autistic child is certainly an incredibly difficult task.
Now let me explain the true facts to you:
This thread was off the first page and I intended to let it die. I never brought it off page 2.
YOU made a public post ripping this site, completely unfairly, IMO, with the possible exception of a few unnamed gca members who may use this site for access purposes. If that is true, you had a point there, and those people should stop. Then I defended the site.
You replied by saying that you "singled me out" with your access criticisms because I am an offender. Jeff, that is just one of your many mistakes. I have hosted 7 GCA members at my course and been hosted once, an unsolicited offer when I visited Pinehurst and I paid the greens fee. I also asked a gca super to take my super on a tour as we are doing a restoration, and my super is involved in the shaping. (That did not happen.) I happen to enjoy meeting and hosting GCA members. I enjoy the deep GCA conversations that you can have with fellow geeks, without fear of their eyes glazing over and I like showing them my course.
At that point I had to point out that INACCURATE, mean-spirited criticisms from a total non-participant on this website like you would NOT stand unchallenged. I researched The Good Old GCA Days, spent hours reading old threads...(very selective memory by you old guys

the site had just as many OT threads and MANY threads died a quick death...) Lo and behold I found an old Jeff F criticism! (You called the site Golf Course 8 frigging years ago...)
You went off line and asked me to stop, and I agreed if you would amend your criticisms to AWing, You said that you stood by EVERY word in your initial post, including attacking a harmless guy like Melvin. Ran doesn't need me to stick up for him, but once you refused to even apologize for mentioning the other webite, a totally CLASSLESS act, I told you that I would see you back in the public forum, where we are now.
I have tried not to rip you on every point. I let slide the RIDICULOUS comment that you made saying that AWing was OK between pros of clubs because it is a "professional courtesy." You are so HYPOCRITICAL ...You were an assistant Pro at Riveria, big deal!!! You are not even a member! The MEMEBERS own the club, you simply worked there. How dare you get offended that you had to say no to access requests...If local kids hopped the fence and the pro asked you to chase them away, you would go do that, right? It is not a big deal. You had no access to grant in the first place...don't act put out...
My letter was not fake, I was trying to help you out. It was the kind of letter you should have sent to Ran, the guy who told you not to contribute financially to the site because he knew of your family situation. I guess if I have to explain a classy move versus a classless move...I am probably wasting my breath.
Jeff, I have NO DOUBT that I nailed your personality type, and all the private messages that I have received from long time GCA posters have confirmed that. I don't know why you continue to attempt to do battle with me in written words, it is obviouisly not your strength. But if you do NOTHING to improve the website, pick on others, and keep coming back at me...I welcome the challenge. I do suggest that you focus on architecture topics and hope that you find enjoyment there.